Bank of Georgia Financial Analysis
Return on average total assets (ROAA) equals Banking Business Profit for the period divided by monthly average total assets for the same period;
Return on average total equity (ROAE) equals Banking Business Profit for the period attributable to shareholders of the Group divided by monthly
average equity attributable to shareholders of the Group for the same period;
Net Interest Margin equals Net Banking Interest Income for the period divided by monthly Average Interest Earning Assets Excluding Cash for the
same period; Interest Earning Assets Excluding Cash comprise: Amounts Due From Credit Institutions, Investment Securities (but excluding corporate
shares) and net Loans To Customers And Finance Lease Receivables;
Loan Yield equals Banking Interest Income From Loans To Customers And Finance Lease Receivables divided by monthly Average Gross Loans To
Customers And Finance Lease Receivables;
Cost of Funds equals Banking interest expense of the period divided by monthly average interest bearing liabilities; interest bearing liabilities include:
amounts due to credit institutions, client deposits and notes and debt securities issued;
Operating Leverage equals percentage change in revenue less percentage change in operating expenses;
Cost / Income Ratio equals operating expenses divided by revenue;
NBG liquidity ratio equals daily average liquid assets (as defined by NBG) during the months divided by daily average liabilities (as defined by NBG)
during the months;
Liquid assets include: cash and cash equivalents, amounts due from credit institutions and investment securities;
Liquidity Coverage Ratio equals high quality liquid assets (as defined by NBG) divided by net cash outflow over the next 30 days (as defined by NBG);
Leverage (Times) equals total liabilities divided by total equity;
NPL Coverage Ratio equals allowance for impairment of loans and finance lease receivables divided by NPLs;
NPL Coverage Ratio adjusted for discounted value of collateral equals allowance for impairment of loans and finance lease receivables divided by NPLs
(discounted value of collateral is added back to allowance for impairment);
Cost of Credit Risk equals expected loss/impairment charge for loans to customers and finance lease receivables for the period divided by monthly
average gross loans to customers and finance lease receivables over the same period;
NBG (Basel III) Tier I Capital Adequacy ratio equals Tier I Capital divided by total risk weighted assets, both calculated in accordance with the
requirements of the National Bank of Georgia instructions;
NBG (Basel III) Total Capital Adequacy ratio equals total regulatory capital divided by total risk weighted assets, both calculated in accordance with
the requirements of the National Bank of Georgia instructions;
NMF - Not meaningful
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