Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development 2017-18
Employee engagement
Moving forward by giving back
Cargills interventions to enrich
our communities depend in large
part on our employee volunteers,
who work closely with our
partners to make a difference
to the world surrounding us.
Employees work individually or
collectively, to create impact by
taking action. Globally, Cargill has
350 employee-led groups called
Cargill Cares Councils (CCCs) to
implement strategic community
engagement activities. The
Councils ensure that we are
investing Cargill s financial and
human resources to meet our
business objectives while serving
local communities.
Employees and retirees
contribute on an individual
basis with their co-workers and
through Cargill Cares Councils
in activities like strengthening
of schools, mentoring and
tutoring youth and children,
educating farmers, cleaning up
shorelines, promoting health,
planting saplings and supporting
economic development and
charitable giving. The efforts
aim to reduce hunger in
our communities, improve
nutrition, strengthen education
opportunities and protect our
global natural resources.
In Indonesia, Cargill employees
are encouraged to get involved
in a wide range of corporate
responsibility activities as part of
a volunteer scheme.
In 2017-18, our employees were
involved in several events and
170 people, for instance,
participated in a tree planting
and mangrove planting activity,
as part of our overall Earth
Day agenda. The goal was to
create greater awareness about
the need for protecting and
expanding the green cover and
natural eco-systems.
Employees got into the act,
cleaning a beach in Amurang
in North Sulawesi as part of
the Earth Day program. 45
employees scanned the beach
for marine plastic pollutants and
litter, in an effort to keep the
coast tidy.
Over 75 employees volunteered
for the Cargill-WFP school meals
program and held awareness
workshops on health and
nutrition, served meals to the
children and attended sports
and cultural programs at these
More than 20 employees
regularly volunteered at the
program and joined the project
team as it conducted WASH
(Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
trainings and awareness
sessions for school children,
their parents and teachers.
An immunization program,
launched in partnership with
Ronald McDonald House
Charities drew interest from
employees. The Charity used its
Mobile Clinic in Jakarta area to
benefit the underserved.
These activities were conducted
in each location, in coordination
with Indonesia s local Cargill
Care Councils. Employees took
part in the activities based on
their interest and time availability.
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