AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck slide image

AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck

RESPONSIBLE EXIT: SA THERMAL COAL OPERATIONS Portfolio Progress on Reductions Production (Mt)¹ 80 2012 % Group revenue² 13% 2012 35 2020 4% 2020 Exit: SA Thermal Coal operations ³ 3 Current export production capacity 18-19Mtpa Responsible approach to transition. Demerger most likely route with primary JSE listing Good progress, could proceed in 2021 High quality, low cost assets 1. Production from primary thermal coal mines (ie excluding thermal coal produced as a by product). Includes South Africa and Colombia. 2. Revenue from sales of mined coal as a proportion of total group revenue including share of revenue from associates and joint ventures. 3. It is also our intention to exit from our 33.3% shareholding in the Cerrejón thermal coal operation in Colombia in a responsible way and within three years. AngloAmerican 88
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