OppFi Results Presentation Deck slide image

OppFi Results Presentation Deck

2Q21 KPIs Highlight Growth, Credit, and Efficiency Improvements Unaudited Three Months Ended 3/31/2021 ($ in 000s) Net Originations¹ Ending Receivables² % of Originations by Bank Partners Net Charge-Offs as % of Average Receivables3 Total Revenue Yield Automatic Approval Rate4 Total Marketing Cost per Funded Loan5 Total Marketing Cost per New Funded Loan5 16 6/30/2021 $143,983 $260,377 93% 28% 129% 51% $72 $245 $99,809 $245,293 76% 30% 130% 41% $56 $266 1. Net originations include both originations by bank partners on the OppFi platform, as well as direct originations by OppFi. 2. Receivables are defined as unpaid principal balances of both on- and off-balance sheet loans. 6/30/2020 $78,098 $218,767 62% 40% 124% 19% $91 $454 Key Highlights Net originations increased 84% for the second quarter of 2021 vs. 2020, and 44% sequential quarter over quarter • U • Ending receivables increased 19% year over year, and 6% quarter over quarter as a result of strong origination growth in Q221 Net charge-offs as % of average receivables declined to 28% versus 40% for Q220, demonstrating continued credit quality improvement Automatic approval rate increased Q/Q to 51% from 41%, reflecting execution of auto-decisioning and efficiency projects Total marketing cost per new funded loan improved as 2020 was adversely impacted from the government stimulus impact on direct mail response rate 3. Net charge-offs as a percentage of average receivables (defined as unpaid principal of both on- and off-balance sheet loans) represents total charge offs from the period less recoveries as a percent of average receivables. OppFi charges off loans after they are more than 90 days delinquent 4. Auto-Approval Rate is calculated by taking the number of approved loans that are not decisioned by a loan advocate or underwriter (auto-approval) divided by the total number of loans approved. 5. Marketing Cost per Funded Loan represents marketing cost per funded loan for new and refinanced loans. This metric is the amount of direct marketing costs incurred during a period divided by the number loans originated during that same period. OppFi"
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