Group Financial Results H1 2016 slide image

Group Financial Results H1 2016

32% Performance of Restructured Loans¹ Total Bank Cyprus - %69 No arrears SMES 49% 6.4% 58% 168% 82% 7268% ■1Q2014 ■2Q2014 ■3Q2014 88% 85% ■2Q2015 ■3Q2015 4Q2015 4Q2014 ■1Q2015 1Q2016 好好.79% 68% 13% 18% 17% No arrears 1-30 dpd 8% 7% 4% 9% 7% 14% 13% 7% 10% 1-30 dpd 16% 12,3% 6%% 14% 2% %8 31-90 dpd 58% 5% 4% 31% 24% 16% 13% %6 %9 %6 Corporate 74% 85% 81% 94% 91% 98% 82% 98% 95% Over 90 dpd No arrears 1-30 dpd Retail 37% 31% 21% 10% 10% 31-90 dpd Over 90 dpd 14% No arrears 12% %6 64% 11% 15% 18% 21% 20% 19% 21% 92% Quarterly average 20% 11% 11% %9 31-90 dpd Over 90 dpd An analysis performed as at 30 June 2016 indicates that on average 79% of the loans restructured post 31 December 2013 for Cyprus operations, have no arrears (restructurings performed in 2Q2016 were excluded); The average percentage of restructured loans with arrears more than 90 days stands at 8% Corporate restructured loans exhibit the . loans with no arrears of 95% best performance with an average percentage of restructured (1) The performance of loans restructured during 2Q2016 is not presented in this graph as it is too early to assess it 1-30 dpd %9 %8 31% 31-90 dpd Over 90 dpd. Bank of Cyprus KOINO KYMPI 49 10% 14% %7
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