(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy slide image

(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy

Sustainability targets and highlights Target: Achieve net carbon neutrality by 2050 Scope 1 Emissions (1) 50% reduction at Genesee by 2030 10% reduction in fleet emissions by 2030 65% reduction in emission intensity by 2030 Strategic Investments Construct all natural gas generation units to be carbon capture and/or hydrogen ready Repower Genesee 1&2 from coal to natural gas CCUS: Invest in carbon capture, utilization and sequestration Genesee Carbon Conversion Centre delayed due to lengthy regulatory approval process for carbon nanotubes as new materials Sustainability Highlights Leadership & Governance • Enhanced sustainable sourcing plan (2021) Enhanced water management plan (2021) At least 30% women on the Board and Executive Team 1) Baseline year: 2005 25
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