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Investor Presentaiton

NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE IN THE UNITED STATES Funding strategy Current Balance Sheet Composition of Acquired Businesses Additional Liquidity $1.2bn Target Liquidity $0.4bn Target 15% Lending $2.3bn HQLA¹ Capital $0.1bn Wholesale Funding $0.3bn Securitised Liabilities $0.8bn Deposits $2.7bn Assets (as at 28-Feb-2014) Liabilities (as at 28-Feb-2014) Source: Acquired Businesses' management. Information as at 28-Feb-2014. BOQ Funding Strategy Over Time Deposits have historically been a high cost funding source Estimated excess liquid assets of approximately $1.2bn at completion Excess liquidity to be actively reduced over a period of up to 12 months One-off balance sheet transitional costs of approximately $6m (post-tax) to unwind by the end of FY15(2) Approximately $1.0bn of the deposit book is priced in line with BOQ's term deposit portfolio Remainder to be re-priced at deposit maturity date 1 High quality liquid assets ("HQLA"). 24 ² Reflects the negative carry earnings impact from the run-down of the excess deposits held above gross lending assets acquired through the transaction. IT'S POSSIBLE to LOVE A BANK BOQ
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