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Investor Presentaiton

2. Relevance of urban local government in the SDG paradigm 2.1 Examination at the 2030 Agenda Document Targets that directly mention local/urban issues are 8.9 (promotion of local culture and products) 11.3 (enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanisation) 11.6 (special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management), and 15.9 (integration of ecosystem and biodiversity values into local planning). A total of 14 means of implementation (MOI) targets contain the terms that refer direct or indirect involvement of urban LGs For the 'follow-up and review', the document commits and encourages Member States to conduct regular and inclusive reviews of progress at the national and subnational levels which are country-led and country-driven (paragraphs 77 and 79, UN, 2015) Therefore, the achievement of these goals and targets and their follow-up and review at the national level would require the direct or indirect involvement of urban LGs to ensure the central pledge of 'leave no one behind'. 15
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