Capital Structure and Information Infrastructure Overview slide image

Capital Structure and Information Infrastructure Overview

Financial Highlights 中国移动 China Mobile (RMB Mil) 1H2022 1H2023 Change YoY Operating revenue 496,934 530,719 6.8% Telecommunications service revenue 426,417 452,238 6.1% Sales of products and other revenue 70,517 78,481 11.3% Operating expenses 422,486 450,432 6.6% Profit from operations 74,448 80,287 7.8% Interest and other income 8,859 11,373 28.4% Income from investments accounted for 6,195 4,953 -20.0% using the equity method EBITDA 173,912 183,457 5.5% Net profit 70,275 76,173 8.4% 27
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