Investor Presentaiton
EY Assurance Statement
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Page 2
Independent Reasonable Assurance Report to the Directors and Management
of ANZ
Assurance conclusion
Based on our reasonable assurance procedures, as described in this statement as of 20 April 2015, in our opinion
ANZ's bond issuance process in relation to its 2015 Green Bond meets the project identification, project minimum
criteria, management of proceeds, and reporting requirements of the Climate Bond Standard, in all material respects.
We have performed a reasonable assurance
engagement in relation to ANZ's 2015 Green Bond
issuance in order to provide an opinion as to whether the
subject matter detailed below meets, in all material
respects, the criteria as presented below as of 20 April
Subject matter
The subject matter for our assurance is:
ANZ's Green Bond Issuance process, being:
Identification of wind energy generation, solar
energy generation and commercial building
Minimum criteria for eligible wind energy
generation, solar energy generation and lower
emissions commercial building projects.
Policies and procedures for the management
proceeds; and
Policies and procedures for reporting on use
of proceeds and project performance
ANZ's list of 2015 Green Bond nominated wind,
solar PV and commercial building projects
The criteria for our procedures (the criteria') is:
The Climate Bond Standard v1.0, including eligibility
criteria for wind energy generation and solar energy
The Climate Bond Standard Energy Efficiency-
Commercial Property eligibility criteria and
Assurance Approach
Our assurance approach was conducted in accordance
with the Australian Standard on Assurance
Engagements ASAE 3000: Assurance Engagements
Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial
Information and ASAE 3100: Compliance Engagements.
Management Responsibility
The management of ANZ (Management') are
responsible for the collection, preparation and
presentation of the subject matter in accordance with the
criteria and for maintaining adequate records and
internal controls that are designed to support the Green
Bond issuance process.
Assurance Practitioner's Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express a reasonable assurance
conclusion as to whether the subject matter is presented
in accordance with the criteria, in all material aspects.
Our assurance engagement has been planned and
performed in accordance with the Australian Standard
on Assurance Engagements 3000 (revised) Assurance
Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of
Historical Financial Information (ASAE 3000) and ASAE
3100: Compliance Engagements ("ASAE 3100").
Level of Assurance
A reasonable assurance engagement consists of making
enquiries and applying analytical, controls testing and
other evidence-gathering procedures that are sufficient
for us to obtain a meaningful level of assurance as the
basis for a positive form of conclusion. The procedures.
performed depend on the assurance practitioner's
judgement including the risk of material misstatement of
the specific activity data, whether due to fraud or error.
While we considered the effectiveness of Management's
internal controls when determining the nature and extent
of our procedures, our review was not designed to
provide assurance on internal controls. We believe that
the evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our conclusion.
Our Approach
Our assurance procedures performed included, but were
not limited to:
Assessing policies and procedures established by
ANZ related to the issuance of the 2015 Green
Confirming eligibility of nominated projects for
inclusion in ANZ's 2015 Green Bond
Interviewing selected business unit and group level
personnel to understand the key issues related to
the ANZ's policies and procedures;
Reviewing selected performance information for all
nominated projects, and documentation supporting
assertions made in the subject matter:
Checking the accuracy of calculations performed,
Obtaining and reviewing evidence to support key
assumptions and other data.
A summary of our assurance procedures is shown in the
following Table.
Reviewed documentation of the process that ANZ follows to identify projects, and confirmed.
eligibility requirements for inclusion of Nominated Projects in the 2015 Green Bond issuance.
Reviewed the allocation of funds to ensure they can be against nominated projects
Reviewed documentation for the management of proceeds from the 2015 Green Bond issuance
for funds that are not allocated to a nominated project..
Reviewed ANZ's environmental and social integrity policy and confirmed its coverage for all
nominated projects.
Confirmed that ANZ undertook a third-party verification before issuance of the Green Bond
with an approved Climate Bond verifier
Assurance Procedures
Use of Proceeds
Environmental &
Social Integrity
Climate Bond
Certification and
Limits of Use
Eligible projects &
physical assets
Technical criteria
Project holding
Confirmed that ANZ intends to use the Climate Bond Certification mark for the term of the
approved 2015 Green Bond while the bond maintains compliance with the Climate Bond
Confirmed that ANZ's policy is to inform the CBI and all relevant stakeholders if the 2015
Green Bond becomes non-compliant with the Climate Bond Standard
Confirmed that nominated projects in the bond are eligible projects under the Climate Bond
Tested nominated projects to determine that they meet the minimum technical requirements of
the Climate Bonds Standard
Confirmed that policies, process and procedures for tracking financial flows of the bond
principal between ANZ's 2015 Green Bond and the linked Nominated Project(s) are in place.
Confirmed that policies, process and procedures for demonstrating that the linked portfolio
underlying the bond continues to hold nominated projects equal to the face value of the bond
issuance are in place.
Confirmed that policies, processes and procedures to ensure that nominated project names
and details are disclosed to the Verifier
Confirmed that policies, processes and procedures to ensure that the settlement timeframe is
specified, and that settlement occur within the stated timeframe are in place.
Confirmed that policies, processes and procedures to identify flows of proceeds related to the
Bond have been established.
Settlement period
Earmarking funds
There are inherent limitations in performing assurance-
for example, assurance engagements are based on
selective testing of the information being examined-
and it is possible that fraud, error or non-compliance
may occur and not be detected. There are additional
inherent risks associated with assurance over non-
financial information including reporting against
standards which require information to be assured
against source data compiled using definitions and
estimation methods that are developed by the reporting
entity. Finally, adherence to ASAE 3000, ASAE 3100
and the Climate Bond Standard is subjective and will be
interpreted differently by different stakeholder groups.
Our assurance was limited to the ANZ's 2015 Green
Bond pre-issuance, and did not include statutory
financial statements. Our assurance is limited to policies
and procedures in place as of 20 April 2015, ahead of
the issuance of ANZ's 2015 Green Bond.
Use of Report
Our responsibility in performing our assurance activities
is to the directors of ANZ only and in accordance with
the terms of reference for this engagement as agreed
with them. We do not therefore accept or assume any
responsibility for any other purpose or to any other
person or organisation. Any reliance any such third party
may place on the 2015 Green Bond issuance is entirely
at its own risk. No statement is made as to whether the
criteria are appropriate for any third party purpose.
Our Independence and Assurance Team
In accordance with APES 110, the firm and all
professional personnel involved in this engagement have
met the independence requirements of Australian or
International professional ethical requirements. Our team
has the required competencies and experience for this
assurance engagement.
En sy
Ernst & Young
Dr Matthew Bell
Sydney, Australia
20 April 2015
Amember of Ernst & Young-mited-
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standa
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