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Investor Presentaiton

Variable compensation' Fixed compensation Compensation framework for executives Type of compensation Composition of compensation Base Salary Paid monthly According to the functions and responsibilities of each of the Officers. Stock Compensation Example of composition of compensation Executives responsible for business execution Group executive officers Group CEO Non-executive officers responsible for management supervision 42.5% 57.5% According to the functions and responsibilities of each of the Officers. Cash Paid upon retirement 85.0% Cash Cash 7.5% Stock Compensation || Deferred payments over three years "Standard Amount" x "Corporate performance linked coefficient" Stock Consolidated Net Business Profits + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others Performance Payments Deferred payment over three years for the portion above a Qualitative Quantitative 30% 70% 40% 5.0% ך 25.0% Net Income Attributable to FG 10% Stock Consolidated ROE 10% 15.0% J Expense Ratio 10% Evaluation from the perspective of increasing corporate value through sustainable and stable growth of the Group Financial Gross profits RORA, CET1 ratio, reduction of cross-shareholding, TSR, quality of profits 30% 25.0% Non- certain amount Financial Customer satisfaction, employee's engagement, and sustainability initiatives Results of organization assigned for each Officers are also reflected, excluding Group CEO 22.5% 15.0% Stock Subject to malus and clawback 2 1. Amount of compensation is determined by the Compensation Committee for each fiscal year. 2. A system which enables a decrease or forfeiture of the deferred amount by resolution of the Compensation Committee depending on the performance of the group or the individual. For the Officers appointed outside Japan, the standard amount and the composition and details of the executive compensation may be determined individually based on local compensation rules and practices as well as compensation levels of our competitors. MIZUHO 84
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