Invest in Costa Rica - Services Sector slide image

Invest in Costa Rica - Services Sector

COSTA RICA - SERVICES SECTOR EVOLVING TO A MULTI-FUNCTIONAL SERVICE DELIVERY MODEL % OF CENTERS DELIVERING A GIVEN FUNCTION CORPORATE SERVICES COMPANIES Finance and accounting 62% IT support and development 56% Contact center 53% HR services 34% Procurement 28% BI and other business processes 25% QA and compliance 15% Marketing and content creation 12% Engineering services 11% Architecture services 2% Other 22% ••CINDE essential INVEST IN COSTA RICA COSTA RICA DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANIES Software development Testing and QA Web development 77% 70% 57% Software engineering & design Mobile app development Legacy systems support 57% 53% 53% Back-end, front-end & full-stack... 53% Data analytics and data management 47% Cloud 47% Enterprise architecture 37% ERP programming 37% Cybersecurity 30% Automation, ML & AI 27% Embedded software development 27% Source: CINDE, based on information provided by the companies to the Investment Advisory Department, 2020.
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