TATA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Earnings Update slide image


Tata Coffee (inc Vietnam ex EOC) (-58% Subsidiary) TATA COFFEE TATA COFFEE +11%# FY22 Revenue Growth • TATA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Performance commentary Revenue for the quarter grew 7% led by coffee plantations & the extractions business in Vietnam. Revenue for the year continued on a strong trajectory, up 11%, after growing 14% in FY21. • Extractions Overall extraction business grew 19% in FY22 driven by both Vietnam extractions (premiumization and higher volumes) and domestic extractions, despite several challenges in the operating environment Plantations Growth in Robusta coffee and Pepper revenue offset lower revenue in tea plantations, where realizations came off vs last year highs. Tata Coffee Plantations - Gold in the Occupation Health and Safety Category with a 4.5 Star Rating Tata Coffee, Theni - Gold in the Environment Category with a 4 Star Rating Tata Coffee won several awards for Health & Safety and Environment friendly and sustainable practices implemented at its various units Tata Coffee Instant Coffee Division (ICD) also received Bronze Award for HSE Excellence by CII-SR -3% FY22 Plantations Revenue Growth +19% FY22 Extractions Revenue Growth Other updates Record production and sales in Vietnam despite disruption caused by COVID-induced lockdowns. Vietnam plant operated at 98% capacity utilization for the year India extractions business (Instant coffee division) recorded 2nd highest ever sales. Continued the focus on cost-saving initiatives to mitigate some of the inflationary pressures. # Tata Coffee including Vietnam. Does not include EOC 34
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