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Investor Presentaiton

Q4: Segment Wise P&L Consolidated Particulars (In INR Mn) 3M Jan'22-Mar'22 3M Jan'21-Mar'21 Segment Revenue (a) Sugar - milling (b) Sugar - refinery (c) Distillery (d) Co-generation (e) Trading 12,541 8,193 12,679 6,272 3,244 2,911 2,394 1,943 50 1,974 (f) Engineering 971 133 (g) Other 66 64 Total Segment Revenue Less: Inter Segment Revenue 31,945 (10,216) 21,490 (8,498) Gross Sales/Income from Operations 21,729 12,992 Segment Results (profit / (loss) before tax and interest) (a) Sugar - milling 1,483 631 (b) Sugar - refinery (55) 646 (c) Distillery (d) Co-generation 877 545 399 469 (e) Trading 4 (67) (f) Engineering 94 30 (g) Other 47 44 Profit/ (Loss) before tax and interest 2,649 2,298 Less: i) Interest 1,000 998 ii) Other Unallocable Expenses 271 346 iii) Foreign exchange (Gain) / loss 150 (25) Profit/(Loss) before tax 1,228 979 Add: i) Other Unallocable Income 178 ii) Exceptional items Gain / (Loss) 73 (1402) Profit/(Loss) before tax 1,406 (350) 24
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