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Investor Presentaiton

Asset Management Company (JPY B) FY20 FY21 YOY Plan Progress AUM Group aggregate¹ Equity investment trust AUM² Gross Profits 1 50.8 59.5 +8.7 60.3 99% (JPY T) o/w Investment Trusts 2 35.6 40.6 +5.1 AM-One (JPY T) 60.0 57.4 49.5 AM-One o/w Pension 3 12.1 13.3 +1.2 G&A Expenses 39.1 41.9 4 -32.9 -33.4 -0.5 -34.5 97% (Excl. Non-recurring losses and others) 34.4 Equity in Income from 5 1.1 1.5 +0.4 8.6 9.0 Investments in Affiliates 5.9 Net Business Profits 6 11.3 20.3 +9.0 19.6 104% 15.1 18.3 18.1 Credit-related Costs 7 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Net Gains (Losses) related 8 to Stocks and others Others 9 -6.6 -12.0 -5.4 Net Income 10 10 4.7 8.4 +3.6 7.8 108% 5 Net Business Profits (JPY B) Stable revenue FY20 FY21 R&I investment trust Internal risk capital 11 112.2 106.0 -6.2 (avg. balance) sales companies satisfaction survey³ 20.3 2nd 2nd ROE 12 4.2% 7.9% +3.7% 7.2% ■Investment trusts Pension/AM Reference indicators Gross Profits ROE 13 45.3% 56.1% +10.9% Expense ratio 14 64.9% 56.2% -8.6% 11.3 Mar-21 Mar-22 No. of iDeCo participants (K) 4 224 269 FY20 FY21 +9.0 (+) Investment Trusts (+) Pension 1. New management accounting rules were applied in FY21. Past figures were recalculated based on the new rules. 2. Exl. ETFs. Source: The Investment Trusts Association data. 3. AM-One. Source: R&I 'Fund information' Vol. 339, 364. 4. BK. 5. No upside revenue is allocated to AMC. MIZUHO 44
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