Annual Integrated Report
201-2 Financial impli-
cations and other risks
and opportunities due to
climate change
Culture, Conduct, and Responsible Banking
3-3 Management of mate-
rial topics
Annual Integrated Report
Table of Contents
Introduction Value Creation | Economic Performance | Environmental Social Governance Appendices
Where to find the
Pages 30, 31, and 82
Reasons for
Information unavailable. The finan-
cial implications of risk or opportuni-
ty, as well as the costs of measures
taken, are currently being assessed.
(items a.iii and v)
The dissemination of our purpose and ethical conduct generates
tangible positive impacts for a bank that is responsible towards
our clients and society. We manage these impacts through online
courses, employee participation in social and environmental
initiatives, monitoring of the whistleblowing channel, among other
measures. To ensure continuous improvement, our policies undergo
annual reviews.
Pages 9, 22, 23, 33, 46 to 55,
60 to 69, 76 to 82, 87
Information not applicable. Given
that the subject matter pertains to
the dissemination of culture, con-
duct, and responsible banking, there
are no actual or potential negative
impacts. (items b., d.i.,ii.)
205-1 Operations asses-
sed for risks related to
a. Total number and percentage of operations assessed for
corruption-related risks: 1,091
b. Significant corruption-related risks identified: 22 (This figure
includes unfavorable opinions, following a thorough analysis by
the Compliance team, pertaining to Anti-Corruption Clauses and
Suppliers, in cases that demonstrate a correlation with corruption).
205-2 Communication and
training about anti-corrup-
tion policies and proce-
Santander's anti-corruption procedures and policies were
communicated to 100% of employees in 2022 via bulletins,
mandatory online courses and policies, and the code of ethical
conduct. Likewise, all governance members received the requisite
information and training. Furthermore, all business partners are
informed about procedures and policies related to this topic. Our
policy and code of conduct are also accessible to all audiences via
our Investor Relations portal.
Pages 77 and 78
Page 79
Confidential information. Despi-
te providing the total number of
operations assessed by category, we
refrain from disclosing the percenta-
ge of operations assessed for corrup-
tion-related risks, as this constitutes
confidential information.
Information not applicable. Gi-
ven that 100% of employees and
high-level governance members are
apprised and trained on procedures
and policies related to anti-corrup-
tion measures, and business partners
are also informed on the subject,
we do not publish data by functional
category and region (items a, b, c, d).
Incomplete information. Given that
we have disclosed the percentage of
employees who have received trai-
ning in anti-corruption and non-dis-
crimination, we will not publish
the data categorized by functional
category and region. (item e)
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