En+ Group Investment Presentation slide image

En+ Group Investment Presentation

Climate Change Agenda (1/2) Pathway to Net Zero: ➤ Conducting deep analysis to develop decarbonisation strategy in continuous collaboration across multiple business lines In September 2021, En+ to publish a Report on the pathway to Net Zero and conduct a Net Zero Investor Webinar ➤ Testing aluminium produced by our revolutionary technology on inert anode cells. The use of an inert anode in the electrolysis process makes it possible to almost completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions Entered into agreement with Ball Corporation to produce low-carbon products using the inert anode technology Initiated the modernization programme focused on building new production capacities at the smelters in Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk and Novokuznetsk, which will help minimize the environmental impact of aluminium production ➤ Continuing investments to "New Energy" programme aimed at improving the efficiency and environmental impact of out HPPS Supporting global initiatives In 2021, En+ Group became a global sponsor of the UN Global Compact's Climate Ambition Accelerator En+ Group and RUSAL are the only two Russian members of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, a voluntary partnership under the auspices of the World Bank to advance global carbon pricing UN GLOBAL COMPACT ALCOM CLIMATE AMBITION ACCELERATOR CP LC CARBON PRICING LEADERSHIP COALITION Ent GROUP 18
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