Leading Bank in the Americas Presentation slide image

Leading Bank in the Americas Presentation

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Scotiabank's Climate Commitments include: Mobilize $100 billion by 2025 to reduce the impacts of climate change. Memberships, Associations and Partnerships MEMBER OF Dow Jones Sustainability Indices In Collaboration with Robeco SAM SAM Sustainability Award Industry mover 2019 UN GLOBA COMPACT United Nations UN Global Compact WOMEN E TASK FORCE ON CLIMATE-RELATED FINANCIAL TCFDs DISCLOSURES SAM Sustainability Award Bronze Class 2019 2019 = Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index TOP 100 COMPANY 2018 Thomson Reuters Diversity & Inclusion Index REFINITIV TOP 100 COMPANY 2019 Diversity and Inclusion Index FINANCE UNEP INITIATIVE PRI Principles for Responsible investment CDP DRIVING SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS EQUATOR PRINCIPLES CP LC CARBON PRICING LEADERSHIP COALITION 21 21
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