Omni-channel Growth and Financial Performance
2021 and Q1 2022 Highlights
Accelerated top-line growth
Explosive online sales growth
■ 16.9% total GMV growth
15.0% net revenue growth
detsky mir
7.6% total GMV growth
6.1% net revenue growth
40.2% total online sales growth
■ 29.8% online sales share
19.9% total online sales growth
■ 30.7% online sales share
Continuous retail chain expansion
251 new stores: 84 Detsky Mir, 94
Detmir mini, 73 Zoozavr
8 new stores: 7 Detsky Mir, 1 Zoozavr
Solid EBITDA and margin
Sound financial discipline
Adj. EBITDA at RUB 18.0 bn
■ Adj. EBITDA margin at 11.0%
Adj. EBITDA at RUB 2.6 bn
Adj. EBITDA margin at 7.0%
Net debt/ adj. EBITDA LTM at 1.8x
Fully RUB-denominated debt to match RUB revenue, mostly fixed
Hereinafter, the Company's consolidated financial measures for 2021-2022 and related interim periods are based on proforma financial information prepared as if IFRS 16 'Leases' had not been adopted, and thus do not represent IFRS measures.
The data on comparative dynamics are given year-on-year.
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