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Investor Presentaiton

MATERIALITY 102-21, 102-29, 102-42,102-46 In 2021, Planigrupo's first materiality analysis was conducted to develop a robust and more impactful ESG strategy. The goal of this exercise was to define which were the material (or most important) issues for the organization and its stakeholders. With this, we hope to be able to optimize resources in strate- gies that generate the greatest benefit for all, as well as to recognize potential risks in the operation. To conduct the materiality analysis, with the help of our advisor Miranda ESG, we surveyed a represen- tative number of each of our stakeholder groups. This survey was delegated internally to the Finance Department, which in turn presented the results to the Board of Directors and the Technical Committee. Here, different economic, competition, environmen- tal, social, operational, financial, etc. topics are ob- served. The basis for identifying and selecting the partici- pating stakeholders was all those groups that are directly involved in the traditional operating proces- ses of the business in accordance with our corporate purpose. Directors 6% Suppliers 24% STAKEHOLDER SURVEY Board 9% Tenants 8% Sustainability Report Investors 7% Banks Team members 13% 26% Others 7% INTERNAL VS EXTERNAL 40% Internal 60% External CEO Commentary Who we are Our focus on ESG 21 Corporate Governance Business Ethics About this report GRI Content Index 21
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