An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the asset's carrying amount exceeds its
recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs of disposal and
value-in-use. For the purpose of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which
there are separately identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from other
assets or groups of assets (cash-generating unit). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that suffered an
impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at the end of each reporting period.
Impairment losses are reversed only if the assumptions and estimates underlying the impairment calculation
have changed. Indications of impairment or reversal of impairment include the following:
⚫ Research and development results for a product
Changes in expected cash flows due to lower sales expectations
• Changes in technology
Changes in assumptions about future use
Changes in market and legal risks
Changes in cost structure
Other financial assets
Equity investments that are not investments in associates are classified as other financial assets.
On initial recognition, equity investments are measured at fair value. Subsequently, they are measured at
fair value at the balance sheet date, and changes to the fair value are recognized under financial income or
financial expenses or in other comprehensive income according to an individual decision for each equity
Raw materials, packaging and goods for resale are measured at the latest known cost at the balance sheet
date, which is equivalent to cost computed according to the FIFO method. Work in progress and finished
goods manufactured by Lundbeck are measured at cost, i.e. the cost of raw materials, consumables, direct
labor and indirect costs of production. Indirect costs of production include materials, labor, maintenance of
and depreciation on machines, factory buildings and equipment used in the manufacturing process as well
as the cost of factory administration and management. Indirect costs of production are allocated based on
the normal capacity of the production plant.
Inventories are written down to net realizable value if it is lower than the cost price. The net realizable value
of inventories is calculated as the selling price less costs of completion and costs incurred to execute the
sale. The net realizable value is determined having regard to marketability, obsolescence and expected
selling price developments.
Current receivables comprise trade receivables and other receivables arising in the Group's normal course
of business.
Other receivables recognized in financial assets are financial assets with fixed or determinable cash flows
that are not quoted in an active market and are not derivative financial instruments.
On initial recognition, receivables are measured at fair value and subsequently at amortized cost, which
usually corresponds to the nominal value less writedowns to counter the risk of losses. Writedowns are
calculated using the 'full lifetime expected credit losses' method, whereby the likelihood of non-fulfilment
throughout the lifetime of the financial instrument is taken into consideration. A provision account is used for
this purpose.
On initial recognition, securities (including the bond portfolio), which are included in the Group's documented
investment strategy for excess liquidity and recognized under current assets, are measured at fair value.
Subsequently, the securities are measured at fair value at the balance sheet date. The fair value is based on
officially quoted prices of the invested assets. Both realized and unrealized gains and losses are recognized
in profit or loss under financial income or financial expenses.
Proposed dividends are recognized as a liability at the time of adoption of the dividend resolution at the
Annual General Meeting (the time of declaration). Dividends expected to be paid in respect of the year are
included in the line item Profit for the year in the statement of changes in equity.
Treasury shares
Acquisition and sale of treasury shares as well as dividends are recognized directly in equity under retained
Share-based payments
Share-based incentive programs in which shares are granted to employees and in which employees may
opt to buy shares in the Parent company (equity-settled programs) are measured at the equity instruments'
fair value at the date of grant and recognized under employee costs as and when the employees obtain the
right to receive/buy the shares. The offsetting item is recognized directly in equity under retained earnings.View entire presentation