Financial Performance and Restructuring Strategy slide image

Financial Performance and Restructuring Strategy

TAN fogether we can Cost of Deposits [%] Efficiency Ratios (9M) (Annualized) Cost of Funds [%] 4.00% 4.06% 3.85% 3.89% 3.95% 3.98% 3.45% 3.54% 3.40% 3.41% NIM [%] G20 2023 INDIA Lpnb 3.49% 3.48% 2.68% 2.75% 2.91% 3.00% 3.00% 3.12% Dec'21 (9M) Sep'22 (HY) Global Domestic Yield on Advances [%] Dec'22 (9M) Dec'21 (9M) Sep'22 (HY) Dec'22 (9M) Dec'21 (9M) Sep'22 (HY) Dec'22 (9M) Global Domestic Global Domestic Yield on Funds [%] Yield on Investment [%] 6.81% 6.97% 6.88% 6.70% 6.89% 7.04% 5.57% 5.70% 5.72% 5.77% 5.89% 5.92% 6.24% 6.30% 6.44% 6.50% 6.48% 6.54% Dec'21 (9M) Sep'22 (HY) Dec'22 (9M) Dec'21 (9M) Global Domestic Sep'22 (HY) I Global Domestic Dec'22 (9M) Dec'21 (9M) Sep'22 (HY) Dec'22 (9M) Global Domestic Highlights Business Financial Asset Quality Share/ Capital Digitalization Network/FI/GB/RRB ESG/ Award Page 22
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