World Bank Country Survey 2013 slide image

World Bank Country Survey 2013

GALLUP PAKISTAN Affiliated with Gallup International World Leaders in Marketing Research Consultancy World Bank Country Survey 2013 Section 4: World Bank Access and Media Habits: Advisory for a Future Strategy 4 Access and Media Habits 4.3 Views about World Bank Website: Clients are frequent users WORLD BANK Question: Do you use/have you used the World Bank website? (Question 35 from Questionnaire) 75% of the Clients access and use the World Bank's website frequently. In contrast, only 44% of the stakeholders go online to access the World Bank's website. Stakeholders No response, Clients No, 53% .3% Yes, 44% No, 21% No response, 4% Yes, 75% G Sample size: Stakeholders (n= 31); Client (n= 31) Source: Gallup Pakistan - World Bank CSS 2013 Page 73
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