Scotiabank ESG and Financial Performance Update slide image

Scotiabank ESG and Financial Performance Update

Scotiabank in the Pacific Alliance¹ Q2/232 Chile Mexico Peru Colombia Scotiabank Market Share3,4 14.6% 7.7% 16.2% 5.2% Pacific Alliance Total/Average 10.5% Market Share Ranking3,4 3rd 5th 3rd 6th n.a. Average Total Loans ($Bn) $58.1 $43.5 $22.8 $11.9 $136.3 Revenue ($Bn) $0.6 $0.7 $0.4 $0.2 $1.9 Net Income after NCI ($MM)7 $165 $207 $126 ($6) $492 ROE2,9 10.1% 21.2% 18.9% (2.0%) 13.8% # of Employees 7,380 8,783 8,947 5,350 30,460 AVERAGE DEPOSIT 2,7,9 AVERAGE LOAN 2,7,9 PRODUCTIVITY RATIO 2,5 PTPP 2,7,8,9 9% 11% Y/Y -4% Y/Y 136 136 70% Y/Y 94 92 125 68% 12 12 85 9 10 11 1,040 1,082 1,003 8 61% 73 95 68 26 26 23 52 7 16 16 17 23 23 62 58 58 375 49% 50% 354 348 47% 23 23 41% 43% 40% 238 266 248 37 41 39% 41 42 38% 39 43 44 38% 352 367 338 Q2/22 Q1/23 Q2/23 Q2/22 Q1/23 Q2/23 Mexico Peru Chile Q2/22 Q1/23 Q2/23 Q2/22 Q1/23 Q2/23 Colombia 1Figures excluding Wealth Management; 2 Dollar amounts and growth rates (%) are on a constant dollar basis, while metrics are on a reported basis; 3 Ranking based on publicly traded banks by total loans market share; As of March 2023, except Colombia as of February 2023; 5 Refer to page 54 of the Management's Discussion & Analysis in the Bank's Second Quarter 2023 Report to Shareholders, available on, for an explanation of the composition of the measure. Such explanation is incorporated by reference hereto; 6 Employees are reported on a full-time equivalent basis; 7 May not add due to 13 rounding; 8 Pre-Tax, Pre-Provision Profit defined as revenues less expenses; 9 See non-GAAP reconciliations beginning on slide 83
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