Adient China Growth and Presence slide image

Adient China Growth and Presence

A bright future lies ahead > Since FY19, Adient's focused strategy and "back-to-basics" mindset has placed the company on a solid path to significantly improving margins As the self-help actions have taken root, the company is solidly on track to achieve its goal of 8.0%-8.5% margins In addition to operational Normalized production, S&P forecasted global volumes for FY25 5.2% Inflationary pressures to subside or be resolved commercially 100 bps 100 bps 100 bps ADIENT 8.0% - 8.5% Balance in / balance out of platforms, VA/VE improvements, the company has successfully transformed its balance sheet As the earnings and margin profile of the company continue to improve, Adient expects to generate a significant amount of free cash flow Current Guide Volume to 90M Inflationary Headwinds Recovered / Resolved Business Performance Earnings Potential FY23 EBITDA Margins (ex. Equity income) Future state Interest expense stable Cash taxes steady resulting from tax initiatives EBITDA growth Positive FCF Restructuring heavy lift completed Capex discipline and re-use converts to FCF Supported by earnings and margin growth, Adient is successfully transitioning to a cash generating company J.P. Morgan China Investor Meeting Adient PUBLIC 11
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