Investor Presentaiton
Letter from our Chief Executive
Officer and Technical Committee
Letter from our Chief
Financial Officer
Our 2021 Annual
Sustainability Report
GRI 401-2
AMEFIBRA 19.a, 20.a
Fibrashop knows how important it is to create a safe and healthy
workplace that fosters employee wellness and enables them to go
about their daily activities.
The changes and disruptions of recent years have prompted a shift
in workforce management toward the physical and emotional well-
ness of employees and their family members. Now more than ever,
companies must provide a workplace free of discrimination, harass-
ment, and bullying, and mitigate any risk of psychosocial harm to
the employee. With this in mind, in 2021 we drafted and pub-
lished a Policy on Prevention of Psychosocial Risk, aligned with the
provisions of NOM 035, which involves the elimination of any type
of workplace violence and provides employees with mechanisms
for filing complaints and grievances. We also carried out health
campaigns and offered courses across the country to build employ-
ee awareness about the importance of psychosocial wellness in
our day-to-day work. Eleven courses on wellness and health were
given to employees, totaling 23,740 work hours of training. The
following topics were covered:
• Psychosocial wellness in the workplace
Healthy aging
Awareness and healthy habits to avoid cardiovascular disease,
high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and others
Prevention of child abuse
Mental health care
Additionally, and also in line with NOM 035, we conducted a sur-
vey to assess psychosocial risk factors, organized into four main
categories: work environment, job-specific factors, organization of
work time and relations in the workplace. This survey will be ap-
plied at least every two years. Based on the result we will develop
response programs and measures that can be taken to mitigate the
risks identified and turn the workplace into an environment where
people can grow. These measures focus primarily on the following:
Placing priority attention on job-specific factors like workloads
and control over one's work.
Promoting a critical spirit in middle management and
management regarding their assignment of tasks to their work
team, the hours they work and the responsibilities they assume.
• Conduct a review of positions, activities, duties and
responsibilities, as well as the congruence of work hours.
• Prepare awareness-building and training campaigns on
leadership and healthy, violence-free working relations.
Prepare protocols for preventing and addressing harassment
and workplace violence.
FibraShop is always working to offer our employees a competitive
package of salary and benefits consistent with their know-how, ex-
perience, skills, training, abilities and responsibilities, and most of our
benefits exceed the minimum required by law. Additionally, to encour-
age a balance between work and personal life, we have agreements
with various hotels, fitness centers and testing labs that offer special
rates and expanded access to these products and services for our em-
ployees to enjoy.
Letter of
Disclosure of
standards and
AppendixView entire presentation