Funding and Green Projects Evaluation slide image

Funding and Green Projects Evaluation

MuniFin Copyright MuniFin 12 Strong liquidity position Liquidity Portfolio 10.0 EUR, billion Sufficient liquidity to cover continued undisturbed operations for at least 12 months Secondary source of funding: Monetary policy counterparty of the Bank of Finland Central bank deposits 55% Cash 2% SSA 19% Not HQLA 6% HQLA Level 2a 9% Covered bonds 19% Senior financials 5% HQLA Level 1 85% Security investments in the liquidity portfolio Average rating AA+ Average maturity 2.8 years Only issuers from OECD countries ESG score 4.5% over sustainability benchmark The average ESG score of all security investments is monitored against a sustainability benchmark Separate sustainable index investment portfolio 8% of security investments target size linked to the outstanding amount of green and social bonds As of 31 December 2020
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