Polymed Medical Devices Market Overview and Financial Snapshot slide image

Polymed Medical Devices Market Overview and Financial Snapshot

KEY DEMOGRAPHICS & INDUSTRY TRENDS BROAD PATIENT POPULATION & PARTNER IN HELPING HOSPITAL TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS POLYMED MEDICAL DEVICES We Care As We Cure GLOBAL POPULATION GROWTH 7.6 billion people today, growing to 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.7 billion by 2050 LIFE EXPECTANCY PEOPLE LIVING WITH COMORBIDITIES RISING COSTS OF HEALTH CARE INFECTION PREVENTION & SAFETY LEGISLATION Global life expectancy to increase in bot men and women by +4.4 yrs by 2040 Estimated 1.8 billion people today or 22% have co- morbidities, more susceptible to complications caused by infection(s) Global healthcare costs were $7.8 trillion or 10.2% of world GDP, growing at 5.0% through 2023 7 to 10 patients out of 100 will acquire health care associated infections each year globally. In the USA 1.7 million and $10 billion spent annual HAls + 1:5 people M Sources: Population data from United Nations, life expectancy data from the Lancet GLOBAL HEALTH METRICS | VOLUME 392, ISSUE 10159, P2052-2090, NOVEMBER 10, 2018, co-morbidity data from the Lancet Global Health, June 15, 2020 Health care costs data from the World Health Organization and Infection Prevention data from the CDC www.polymedicure.com 10 Confidential
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