Initiatives to Improve Corporate Value slide image

Initiatives to Improve Corporate Value

Development of Next-Generation Management Platforms: Expand Forward-Looking Investment for Sustainable Growth Greatly expand investment in human resources and IT Investment in human resources Our recognition of issues Gaps between income and cost structures New MMP Improve employee wages while stepping up hiring and training Overhaul of business processes Future Improve employee engagement and productivity Estimated expenses to be used during the new MMP period OHR (consolidated) 67.4% Lower half of the 60% range +JPY33.0 bn (Cumulative total for three years) (⇒p38) Expand investment in training and improve wages per employee, while controlling the total number of headcount Mar. '20 31,800* people Mar. '23 28,800 (3,400)* people Mar. '26 (Plan) 28,100 (700) people *Note: Prior to the establishment of unified standards encompassing KMFG Shift human resources to our fields of focus Streamlining and downsizing (1,270) (Back office, HQ, etc.) Operating Expenses Personnel (consolidated, Non-personnel expenses (13.0) Others JPY bn) expenses (13.0) (Breakdown) (404.7) HR related Systems (1.0) (8.0) General expenses (4.0) (431.0) Note: [(26.0)] Estimates under the MMP are approximate figures. Focus area +500 (Corporate sales, succession, DX etc.) Investment in IT Risk governance +70 (Compliance, Risk (700) management etc.) +JPY40.0 bn (Cumulative total for three years; compared with the previous MMP period) Expand strategic investment aimed at enhancing top-line income and supporting structural reforms FY2022 (Act.) Strategic costs (22.0) • Advance the expansion of investment in human resources and IT FY2025 (Target) Base cost (4.0) Expect increase due mainly to measures necessary to secure conformity with new legal systems and inflation even as we maintain stringent cost management General investment Strategic investment [Amount of system investment] Previous MMP New MMP Cumulative total (JPY bn) 83.0 121.0 70.0 65.0 13.0 56.0 Challenge area *1 6.0 33.0 System integration of MB Others 6.0 20.0 1.0 3.0 Resona Holdings, Inc. 42 *1. Development of lending- and loan-related systems, the development of trust and pension management systems, new businesses, etc.
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