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Investor Presentaiton

Even though in the Amazon region the land grab was for the occupation of new areas and the recent land grab is for soya plantation both mechanisms are mainly the same, and are caused by lack of land governance in the country. The absence of a landownership cadastre and a trustful land registration system are the main characteristics of the absence of land governance in Brazil. The cases of the Amazonian bioma will be studies based on literature review and the LGAF application in Mato Grosso, and the cases cerrado are based on the field studies done recently in Piaui. Last, we will use this evidences and typology to point to a way forward through some policy propositions aimed at tackling these fraudulent land grabs. 1. The lack of land governance and consequent insecure property rights related to land in Brazil. The legal and institutional mechanisms developed in the 21st century to deal with the critical agrarian situation in Brazil have been based on the historical pattern of occupation and development in Brazil, and seem to be insufficient to improve this situation. Formal regulations, which have never been completely enforced, make land access in Brazil both fragile and inchoate (Reydon et al, 2014:510). A huge body of Constitutional law, land law, civil property law, environmental law and planning law, operating at national, state and local levels, governs land relations and land institutions in Brazil. A large set of agencies are involved in the establishment and regularization of land rights, their recording and documentation, processes for establishing allowable uses, managing special use areas, planning overall land use, and conflict resolution. This body of law and these institutions embody a number of characteristics that have created wide gaps between the reality of land relations on the ground and the legally mandated requirements for landholdings and landholders. This confusing institutional framework creates gaps that contribute to some of Brazil's most pressing social, economic and environmental problems.
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