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Investor Presentaiton

68 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTINUED 34. 34.4 Statement of cash flows notes continued Direct taxation paid 35. 35.2 2020 N$'000 2019 N$'000 Current tax at beginning of the year Current tax at end of the year Total Recognised in profit or loss and other comprehensive income 84 075 (125 984) (104 356) 58 180 (244 920) (84 075) (146 265) (270 815) 34.5 Proceeds from the sale of property and equipment 34.6 34.7 35. 35.1 Net book value of disposals Loss on disposal Total Proceeds from the sale of intangibles Net book value of disposals Total Dividends paid Dividend paid during the year Total Post-employment benefits Amounts recognised as liabilities in the statement of financial position Post-employment healthcare benefit medical aid Amounts recognised as expenses in profit and loss for the year Retirement fund Post-employment healthcare benefit medical aid Total Retirement fund Post-employment benefits continued Post-employment healthcare benefits Post-employment medical scheme STANDARD BANK NAMIBIA LIMITED Annual financial statements 2020 2020 N$'000 2019 N$'000 The liability represents a post-employment healthcare benefit scheme that covers all employees who joined on or before 1 March 2009. The liability is unfunded and is valued every year using the projected unit credit method. The latest full statutory actuarial valuation was performed on 30 June 2020. 2020 N$'000 2019 N$'000 Movement in the present value of defined medical scheme benefit obligation: Balance at beginning of the year Current service cost 118 896 3 027 Interest cost 12 791 112 624 2 394 7 606 2016 11 066 (759) (591) Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations relating to change in actuarial assumptions (22 627) 1 257 10 475 Change in financial assumptions (24 522) Change in demographic assumptions 4 913 Change in other assumptions (3 018) Contributions by employer (4 087) (3 728) 2020 N$'000 N$'000 2019 108 000 118 896 Balance at end of the year Consisting of: 396 396 Present value of unfunded obligations 108 000 118 896 Obligation recognised in the statement of financial position 108 000 118 896 The amounts recognised in profit or loss are determined as follows: Current service cost 3 027 2 394 2020 N$'000 2019 N$'000 Interest cost Included in staff costs 12 791 15 818 7 606 10 000 (221 231) (86 500) (221 231) (86 500) The amounts recognised in statements of other comprehensive income Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations relating to change in financial and demographic assumptions 15 386 The principal actuarial assumptions used for accounting purposes were: Discount rate Medical inflation 14.10% 10.35% 10.75% 8.57% 2020 N$'000 2019 N$'000 Remaining life of employees post employment 18.0 - 22.5 years 17.7 years 108 000 118 896 65 852 64 993 15 818 10 000 81 670 74 993 All eligible full-time employees are members of the Standard Bank Namibia Pension Fund, which has been registered in Namibia in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Funds Act. The fund is a defined contribution fund and is governed by the Pension Funds Act of 1956, and is actuarially valued every three years. An actuarial valuation was conducted as at 30 June 2020 and the actuary certified the fund as being financially sound as at that date. Members of the fund comprise 99% of the full-time staff. The contribution to the pension fund is based on a percentage of pensionable earnings and charged to income as incurred. Employer's contribution for the year 2020 N$'000 2019 N$'000 65 852 64 993 Mortality rates used: During employment: SA85-90 (Light) ultimate table Post-employment: PA (90) ultimate table Current active employee members: Particulars in respect of the current employee members belonging to the medical scheme for which there is a post-retirement medical aid liability as at the reporting date are as follows: Number of employees Average age Current pensioner members Details of the current pensioner members belonging to the medical aid fund are as follows: Number of employees Average age 307 310 43.9 years 43.1 years 98 67.1 years 91 67.2 years 69
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