New Business Organisation slide image

New Business Organisation

BNP PARIBAS 9M 06 Revenues* Before Reorganisation 2,233 From BNL Group Contribution to BNL bc A New Revenue Split BNL Contribution 9M 06 Revenues* After Reorganisation 1,870 BNP Paribas Italy 1,855 420 in Єmn BNL contribution 365 346 171 137 346 119 24 228 129 142 in €mn 74 52 AMS BNL bc IRFS AMS CIB Corporate Centre Creation of a new BNL banca commerciale core business (BNL bc) dedicated to Retail and Corporate activities Re-allocation of revenues, costs, cost of risk and allocated capital of the other BNL activities to relevant BNP Paribas core businesses BNL Grupp DHE PARIBAS *including proforma 1Q06 figures Financial Elements 31
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