KBank's Strategic Acquisition in Muang Thai Group Holding slide image

KBank's Strategic Acquisition in Muang Thai Group Holding

K KASIKORNTHAI ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK TFRS 9: Investment in Securities Portfolio and Structure March 2023 Instrument Type (Consolidated) Financial Assets Classification (TFRS 9) Consolidation Bank only (Bt bn) (Bt bn) 1,098 1,200 1,029 1,057 0.4% 1,098 0.9% 0.8% 1200 1,029 1,057 1,000 824 11% 0.3% 0.9% 777 11% 11% 824 0.8% 11% 0.3% 1000 800 0.4% 12% 12% 560 10% 14% 17% 0.2% 511 17% 18% 800 478 15% 56% 8% 600 15% 62% 63% 15% 20% 600 329 30% 13% 18% 56% 400 11% 33% 35% 61% 59% 59% 400 14% 200 53% 54% 38% 31% 56% 200 38% 32% 67% 50% 45% 0 T 0 6% 6% 5% 5% 8% 6% 4% 5% 2019 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 Other Investment (Investments in Receivables, Investments in Subsidiaries and Other Investments) Investments Subsidiaries Amortized Cost Equity Investment Foreign Bonds Corporate Bonds ■Government & State Enterprise Bonds Fair Value through OCI Fair Value through PL ■KBank's guideline for investment portfolio management is to primarily maintain liquidity in order to support a future change in business conditions. In addition, an investment strategy was established in line with changes in economic conditions and the movement of money markets and capital markets both at home and abroad. Investment Portfolio (Bt bn) 2018 663 2019 2020 2021 777 824 1,098 2022 1,029 Investment Portfolio (% Growth YoY) 23.51% 17.22% 6.15% 33.16% (6.23%) 16.33% 1Q22 1,080 1,057 (2.08%) 1Q23 4Q22 1Q23 1,029 | 1,057 (6.23%) (2.08%) | บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ K KASIKORNTHAI ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK Deposits Growth and Loans to Deposits Ratio March 2023 (Consolidated) Deposits Loans to Deposits Ratio (Bt bn) 3,000 2,599 2,749 2,713 100% 2,345 96.6% 2,400 2,072 95.7% 95% 93.2% 1,800 90.9% 90.8% 1,200 90% 600 0 85% 2019 2020 2021 ■Deposits 2022 1Q23 2019 2020 2021 -Loans to Deposits 2022 1Q23 Deposits and Loans to Deposits Ratio is in line with peers. Deposits (Bt bn) Deposits (% YoY) Deposits (% YTD) Loans to Deposits Ratio (%) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1,995 2,072 2,345 2,599 2,749 6.20% 3.90% 13.20% 10.80% 5.77% 6.20% 3.90% 13.20% 10.80% 5.77% 95.90% 96.62% 95.73% 93.20% 90.77% บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ 1Q22 2,634 9.70% 1 3.00% 1.40% (1.30%) 93.30% 1Q23 4Q22 1Q23 2,713 2,749 2,713 5.77% | 3.00% 5.77% (1.30%) 90.90% 90.77% 90.90% 85 86
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