Agnico Eagle COVID-19 and Operations Update slide image

Agnico Eagle COVID-19 and Operations Update

TMAC Mineral Resources – December 31, 2019 - CATEGORY / DEPOSIT MEASURED TONNES (t 000) AGNICO EAGLE GRADE (g/t Au) CONTAINED Au (oz 000) Doris Boston Total Measured INDICATED Doris Madrid North Suluk 240 11.0 85 1,330 9.3 397 1,570 9.5 481 1,726 9.0 499 10,761 6.6 3,670 7.2 2,273 851 Madrid South 648 14.0 292 Boston 3,441 7.0 776 Total Indicated 20,246 7.2 4,691 MEASURED AND INDICATED Doris 1,966 9.2 584 Madrid North 10,761 6.6 2,273 Suluk 3,670 7.2 851 Madrid South 648 14.0 292 Boston 4,771 7.6 1,173 Total Measured & Indicated 21,816 7.4 5,173 INFERRED Doris Madrid North Suluk Madrid South Boston Total Inferred 1,750 7.1 399 1,113 5.3 190 4,339 5.7 792 662 7.1 152 3,053 6.1 594 10,917 6.1 2,127 Note: Data reported by TMAC Resources. Tonnage amounts and contained metal amounts presented in this table have been rounded the Annual Western Institutional Investor Conference 58 thousand, so aggregate amounts may differ from column totals.
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