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Investor Presentaiton

ultrabasites serpentinites conus removal Ilchir suite Photos Ulan-Sar'dag ophiolite massive. - ultrabasites Siliceous thickness Irkut suite gneisses Ophiolite massive Ulan-Sar'dag consist of mantle section (serpentinites, dunites, peridotites garzburgites, pyroxenites, gabbro). Volcanic-sedimentory formation are presented Ilchir suit. The rocks of ophiolitic complexes are deformed in condition of greensheet to amfibolites facies. A trench 200 meters long opens the volcanites of the Ilchir suit and their contact with the ultrabasites. Those was volcanogenic thickness with interbedding volcanites and sulfidized black shale. Rocks of the normal and subalkaline series represent in volcanic association: picrobasalts, basalts, andesibasalt, boninites, andesites, trachyandesites, trachytes, dacites. dunite-harzburgite serpentinites zone of talc rocks Ilchir suite Scheme of the geological structure of the Ulan-Sar'dag ophiolite massive. T + + 2 KM quaternary deposits limestones granodiorites of the Xx L Sumunur complex diorites of the Sumunur complex gneiss granites of the Gargan block ultrabasic rocks of the Ilchir complex serpentinites pyroxene dunite greenstone effusives[ of the Ilchir suite granite intrusions of the Kholbinsky complex faults sampling points
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