Klarna Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Klarna Investor Presentation Deck

The Klarna model is built for scale. # of consumers 2.4x - 150 63 Q4 19 Q4 22 # of active consumers (m) X Purchase frequency 1.5x 6.4 9.8 Q4 19 Q4 22 # 12m purchase frequency per purchasing consumer || Average revenue per user (ARPU) 1.7x 140 Q4 19 238 Q4 22 ARPU per purchasing consumer (SEK) Cost of services Credit losses Cost of fund 0.65% - -11% 0.58% Q4 19 Q4 22 % Net credit losses over GMV *Figures shown are as at the end of each quarter, unless otherwise stated. *Gross Profit representative of the full quarter. || Gross profit 1.9x 1,238 Q4 19 - 2,501 Q4 22 Gross profit* (SEKM) Indirect costs 15,348 FY2022 -24% 11,544 Q4 22 annualized Indirect costs (SEKM) || Earnings before tax
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