Free Market Performance and Investment Plans
Just Transition for Enel's People
Enel's strategy for a Just Transition promotes a highly sustainable
program to increase people's skills through:
Internal redeployment and upskilling/reskilling processes for people working in coal generation,
which is being phased out, enabling them to work in other units, ensuring knowledge transfer
Voluntary early retirement plans
Hiring and upskilling/reskilling programs to acquire new skills and to support the generational
mix and the sharing of knowledges
~55% of people leaving coal power plants in 2021
are redeployed and attended upskilling and
reskilling programs (80 hours 1 per capita)
Coal redeployed people: -90% within EGP
perimeter, ~10% to other Enel business areas
50% of people leaving coal power plants will be
redeployed, attending upskilling and reskilling program.
The other 50% will be involved in early retirement plans
Overall training dedicated to total employees up to 40%
to reskilling and upskilling
Strengthening of ‘internal training' approach
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