Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

CPBS - Specialised Businesses - Personal Finance - 9M22 3Q22 3Q21 3Q22/ 2Q22 3Q22 / 9M22 9M21 9M22 / 3Q21 2Q22 9M21 €m Personal Finance Revenues 1,345 1,271 +5.8% 1,371 -1.9% 4,104 3,922 +4.7% Operating Expenses and Dep. -689 -644 +7.0% -718 -4.1% -2,183 -2,094 +4.2% Gross Operating Income 656 627 +4.6% 653 +0.5% 1,922 1,827 +5.2% Cost of Risk -336 -303 +10.8% -309 +8.9% -960 -968 -0.8% Operating Income 320 324 -1.1% 344 -7.1% 962 859 +11.9% Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities 22 16 +34.7% 26 -15.7% 62 30 n.s. Other Non Operating Items -2 36 n.s. -12 -86.2% -14 27 n.s. Pre-Tax Income Cost/Income Allocated Equity (Ebn, year to date) 340 376 -9.5% 358 -5.0% 1,010 917 +10.1% 51.2% 50.7% +0.5 pt 52.4% -1.2 pt 53.2% 53.4% -0.2 pt 8.1 7.8 +3.8% At constant scope and exchange rates vs. 9M21 • • • Revenues: +1.7%, increase driven by volumes and the recovery in production, +4.7% at historical scope and exchange rates, with the consolidation of 50% of Floa, effective 01.02.22 Operating expenses: +1.5%, increase driven by support to business development, +4.2% at historical scope and exchange rates Pre-tax income: +8.0%, increase driven mainly by higher GOI and the decrease in the cost of risk BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world Third quarter 2022 results | 65
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