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Investor Presentaiton

SBERBANK 170 YEARS. BY YOUR SIDE 122 Λ corporate social responsibility >> W Interview Donskih 124 Contributing to the Sustainable Development of Russian Regions 128 Supporting Small- and Medium- Sized Businesses 130 Interview Bazarov 136 Improving the Legal Framework 138 Contributing to Housing and Utility Sector Reform 139 Carbon Finance and Financing Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Projects 140 Working with the Government 142 Ensuring Procurement Transparency 143 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTING TO THE OF THE COUNTRY e see contributing to Russia's economic development as a key priority in corporate social responsibility. The extent of our responsibility is determined by the scale of the Bank's operations and the depth of our social and economic integration. In everything we do, be it participating in nationwide projects, helping achieve government policy objectives or contributing to the development of Russia's legal framework, we are guided by the belief that a prosper- ous national economy coupled with effective government and market institutions are essential to the Bank's long-term and sustainable development and imperative in creating value for our shareholders. In 2011, we paid special attention to two priority CSR areas. These were facilitating economic development in the Russian regions and supporting small- and medium-sized businesses. Both objectives 170 YEARS. IT'S JUST THE BEGINNING ANNUAL REPORT CONTRIBUTING TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY 2011 bear enormous socio-economic significance, while at the same time offering excellent business potential. These challenges are in line with the scale of the Bank's operations and provide opportunities to build long-term partnership relationships with all stakeholders. The development of regional economies is crucial to the Bank given that over 60% of our assets are in Russia's regions. For a region to develop and grow successfully, all of the relevant measures and in- struments need to be integrated together effectively. Today we work in every region of Russia and have a good understanding of regional specifics. This helps the Bank participate in the preparation and implementation of regional development strategies in partnership with regional authorities. The development of small- and medium-sized businesses is a corner- stone in the sustainable development of the entire Russian economy. We see the small- and medium-sized business segment as having great potential as a growth area for our business, but at the same time, by providing financial and non-financial services to entre- preneurs, we contribute to the creation of a favourable business environment, improve the standard of living for Russian citizens, support the creation of new jobs and facilitate the development of competitive markets. In 2011, the Bank also continued its activities across a number of areas important both for the business and as corporate social respon- sibility priorities. These included supporting projects to reform the housing and utility sector, carbon financing and ensuring transpar- ent and efficient procurement. 123 A corporate social responsibility WWW.SBERBANK.RU
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