Investor Presentaiton
Strengthening of DA Admin Order 8
Administrative Order No.22 Series of 2007- Amending Specific
Sections of Part V
⚫ clarifies further the approval process for registration and
importation of regulated articles for direct use as food and
feed or for processing
reiterates the requirement to declare content or possible GMO
content in regulated articles for importation
Administrative Order No 31 Series of 2008- harmonizing with the
Codex Guidelines
stipulates adoption of the: (1) Codex Principles for the Risk
Analysis of Food Derived from Modern Biotechnology
(CAC/GL44-2003) and (2) the Codex Guideline for the Conduct
of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from
Recombinant DNA Plants (CAC/GL 45-2003)View entire presentation