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Investor Presentaiton

Cadia - Reduced costs & increased cash flow Site Process Element Mining Description Panel Cave mining from Cadia East (Panel Cave 1 and 2), with underground crushing and conveyor to surface Processing High pressure grinding rolls, SAG mills, ball mills, flotation, coarse ore flotation and gravity concentration Output Principally copper/gold concentrate, gold doré Key Statistics Gold Reserve Life: Gold Ore Reserves: Gold Mineral Resources: Copper Ore Reserves: Copper Mineral Resources: FY20 Prod. Guidance: Q1 FY20 AISC: Q1 FY20 Production: Permitted Processing: Workforce (FTE)³: Cadia 1 ~25 years 22moz 38moz 4.3mt 8.3mt 760-840koz Au, ~100kt Cu² $210/oz 172koz 32mtpa ~800 employees ~690 contractors Production (koz) 1 234 913 669 620 600 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 All-In Sustaining Cost ($/oz) Free Cash Flow ($m)4 965 691 482 502 274 241 171 132 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 Reserve life is indicative and calculated as proven and probable gold reserves (contained metal) as at 31 December 2018 divided by gold production for the 12 months ended 30 September 2019. The reserve life calculation does not take into account future gold production rates and therefore estimate reserve life does not necessarily equate to operating mine life. For Cadia Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources refer to slides 39 to 42. Achievement of guidance is subject to market and operating conditions. At 30 June 2019. Employees are Newcrest directly employed FTEs, contractor FTEs include full time embedded contractors and project, replacement labour and other contractors Free cash flow is before interest and tax 18
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