World Bank Country Survey 2013 slide image

World Bank Country Survey 2013

GALLUP PAKISTAN Affiliated with Gallup International World Leaders in Marketing Research Consultancy World Bank Country Survey 2013 Section 1: Overall Attitude 1.7 Delivery Mechanisms: Local Government and Academia D WORLD BANK Significant proportions of Stakeholders and Clients concurred on the channels for delivering aid and assistance in Pakistan. Local Government was singled out by 41% of the stakeholders and 44% of the Clients as preferred mediums for transferring aid. Academia/think tanks/and research institutes were singled out by 30% of the stakeholders and 28% of the clients. Q 10: Which TWO of the following groups should receive more collaboration from the World Bank in order to improve results in Pakistan? Private sector Academia/think tanks/research institutes Local Government Percent of Respondents (%) Stakeholders Client 19% 20% 30% 28% 41% 44% Provincial government 16% 30% Community Based Organizations (CBOs) 17% 17% NGOS 18% 15% Citizens benefitting from World Bank's support/projects/programs 11% 20% Youth Organizations 12% 5% Donor community 3% 4% International foundations 6% 3% Media 6% 5% G Faith based organizations Local foundations Parliamentarians/major political parties * Multiple response question so the sum may exceed 100% Sample size: Stakeholders (n= 523); Clients (n= 188) 3% 1% 4% 5% 7% 1% Source: Gallup Pakistan - World Bank CSS 2013 Page 41
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