The Cretaceous Play Exploration Overview
Fan/Channel Play: Summary Observations
Requirements for the Play to Work
Little to no structural deformation (secondary folding/faulting)
Why? Traps are preserved (not breached)
Clearly defined traps
○ Why? Multiple seals/trapping points are required for large (commercial) columns
Direct access to charge/charge focus
o Why? Complicated migration pathways allow for thief zones in 3D
Significant sand-dominated river systems with high-maturity sands
o Why? There is an optimum distance where deliverability impacts commercial rates and
column heights
Coincidence or Correlation?
Most commercial (or pre-commercial) discoveries have been made within 40-50 km of the paleo-
shelf margin, with a large percentage within 25 km (there are some exceptions)
The Turonian works best when the above technical risks have been met
Younger (Campanian/leaky traps) and older (Albian-Cenomanian/poor reservoirs) units work only
under special circumstances
• Can the play work in the central North Atlantic, northern South America, and the Caribbean?View entire presentation