Brazil Energy Opportunities & Sustainability Commitments slide image

Brazil Energy Opportunities & Sustainability Commitments

anp 40°0'0"W Opportunities in the 2nd ToR Surplus Round SÉPIA Pre-salt field 157km² In Place Volume: 5.3 Bbbl oil 124 Bm³ gas Signature Bonus: R$7.138 billion Minimum Profit Share: 15,02% ATAPU Pre-salt field 229km² In Place Volume: 7.2 Bbbl oil 179 Bm³ gas Signature Bonus: R$4,002 billion Minimum Profit Share: 5,89% 25°0'0"S 24'00"S TRANSFER OF RIGHTS SURPLUS Brazil PRODUCTION SHARE 44°0'0"W TRANSFER OF RIGHTS SURPLUS Brazil PRODUCTION SHARE Auction: December 17th Rio de Janeirol 43°0'0"W RJ 42°0'0"W Compensation to Petrobras: ~US$6.45 billion 01 41°00 W Prod Sep/21 (FPSO Carioca): Oil: 44 Kbpd Gas: 1 Mm³/d Prod Sep/21 (P-70): Oil: 132 Kbpd Gas: 4.5 Mm³/d S..0.0.02 30 44°0'0"W Sepia S..0.0.EZ 24'00"S Campos Basin Atapu S..0.0.92 01 S..0.0.92 Santos Bacin 90 120 Km 43°0'0"W A 200W V 1 de 1 41190 W 40°0'0"W
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