Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

Non interest income at €81 mn in 4Q2021 Non-NII % of Total 47% 42% 49% 44% 50% 49% 53% Income F&C % of Total 23% 26% 30% 28% 30% 32% 28% Income 1) 2) 72 (€ mn) 307 285 67 39 237 13 32 30 58 56 49 61 60 13 မာ 81 76 9 68 4 10 18 12 822 14 5 18 172 150 144 208 200 233 52 45 56 44 62 44 39 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Net FX and other income 2 REMU ☐ Recurring income 1Q2021 2Q2021 3Q2021 4Q2021 Insurance income net of insurance claims Net fee & commission Net FX gains/(losses) & Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments, and other income Gains/(losses) from revaluation and disposal of investment properties and on disposal of stock of properties • • • • Non interest income of €81 mn for 4Q2021, up 20% qoq, reflecting mainly higher net insurance income and increased revaluation gains from financial instruments Net fee and commission income at €44 mn flat qoq Net fee and commission income of €172 mn for FY2021, up 19% yoy, and above pre-COVID-19 levels reflecting higher volume of transactions, the extension of liquidity fees to a wider customer group and the introduction of a revised price list both in Feb 2021 Net insurance income of €18 mn for 4Q2021 mn, up 60% qoq mainly due to higher claims in the previous quarter, seasonality and valuation assumptions Net FX and other income increased to €14 mn, up 47% qoq, mainly due to the higher gains from financial instruments 16
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