FY22 Investor Presentation slide image

FY22 Investor Presentation

Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) at Harmoney Harmoney is pleased to include our inaugural ESG summary, providing an opportunity to highlight our achievements this year, and set out our commitment to advancing ESG principles at Harmoney, and reporting on progress. Environment • Net zero emissions FY22. Fully offset very low measured up/downstream emissions - being online only with extensive work from home and electronic conferencing practices. Commitment to complying with upcoming climate related disclosure standards as published. Social • Provide ease of access to financial services across consumer segments by applying technology to reliably sourced financial data and designing for simplicity. Maintain stringent measures to secure and protect financial and credit-related customer data. Committed to developing products and features delivering positive customer outcomes, including support through periods of financial difficulty. Governance ● Compliant with ASX "Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th edition)". Compliance Manager role established to enhance risk & compliance program. H HARMONEY ©2022 FY22 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 31 AUGUST 2022 24 24
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