Finnvera Group Business Review and ESG Strategy slide image

Finnvera Group Business Review and ESG Strategy

7 Finnvera's role and impact in society Figures of the reference year 2022 are in parentheses. Impacts on society Domestic financing offered: MEUR 2,104 (1,260) Start-ups launched with the help of financing: 1,666 pcs (1,931) Jobs created with the help of domestic financing: 4,835 (6,001) Export credit guarantees and special guarantees offered: MEUR 5,102 (5.676) Social impacts Personnel expenses: MEUR 32 (30) Personnel training: MEUR 0.5 (0.4) Personnel work energy level: 4.3/5 (4.3/5) ESG assessment, export credit guarantees granted: 321 pcs (295) Environmental impacts Emissions from Finnvera's own operations: 549 t CO₂e (637) Emissions from financed projects: 5.8 Mt CO₂e (9.0) Finnish exports: to 85 countries (94) Renewable's share of export exposures related to energy production: 38% (36) FINNVERA
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