Investor Presentaiton
Discussion and Future Research
We confirmed that about a 50% of respondents in the UK indicate
acceptance of new nuclear power plant if it helps tackling climate
change, while it is only about 20% in Japan (p.8) and it is the same
proportion of unconditional acceptance of new nuclear power
plants (p.9)
➤ Yet, a smaller proportion of people believe that the nuclear power
would help combat climate change in both countries (p.13)
Central Research Institute of
Electric Power Industry
The level of concerns about climate change are similar between the
two countries (p.4), but the proportions of respondents who
recognize their own responsibility to do something about climate
change, and are willing to change their lifestyle to tackle climate
change are lower in Japan than in the UK (p.5 and p.11)
© CRIEPI 2021
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