Sustainability and Technology Integration slide image

Sustainability and Technology Integration

Globally ranked No. 1 by CDP DISCLOSURE INSIGHT ACTION RANK: 1 Dalmia Bharat Cement SCORE: 4.64 RANK: 2 Ambuja Cement SCORE: 5.62 ARGOS Dalmia Bharat Limited In line with the Paris Agreement, Dalmia emerged as one of the world's greenest cement manufacturing companies RANK: 3 SCORE: 5.90 Out of the 13 cement majors globally, Dalmia Bharat ranked at the top of the Cement Sector League Table Shree Cement RANK: SCORE: 5.91 RANK: 5 H LafargeHolcim SCORE: 6.03 Best performance in emissions intensity, clinker ratio and exposure to downstream regulation CDP - the only global disclosure system for companies to manage their environmental impacts and for investors/purchasers to access environmental information for use in financial decisions *Scores are calculated on the basis of four parameters - Transition Risk, Physical Risk, Transition Opportunities and Climate Governance & Strategy 43
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