Frasle Mobility's New Positioning and Randoncorp Investments
Board of Directors
GRI 2-12
Our Board of Directors (BD) is made up of members
elected individually by the shareholders, at the
General Meeting, and may have from three to nine
members, with a unified term of office of two years
and reelection permitted.
Composed of five members, three of whom are
independent, with an average term of office of 5.4.
years. During 2022, the Board of Directors met 24
times, with an average frequency of 100%.
The Board's responsibilities can be found in the
Internal Regulations in our IR website.
From left to right, Alexandre Randon, Ana Carolina R. Strobel, David A. Randon, Vicente F. Assis and Pedro Ferro Neto, constituting
the Board of Directors of Randoncorp.
Composition on 12/31/2022
Evolution of the board of directors
GRI 2-17 2-18
Number of
at meetings
David Abramo Randon
Alexandre Randon
Pedro Ferro Neto
Vicente Furletti Assis
Board Member
Ana Carolina Ribeiro Strobel
To learn about the detailed professional experience of each Board member access our IR website.
Following the best corporate governance practices, in 2022 we implemented the
performance evaluation of the Board of Directors as a collegiate body.
The evaluation process became annual and was conducted internally, by means
of self-assessment and evaluation questionnaires of the Board, made available on
an online platform that allowed for anonymous answers. Based on the results of
the evaluation, we implemented measures to improve the Board's efficiency, such
as making meeting materials available in advance, as required by the Bylaws, and
including topics suggested by Board members in the Annual Thematic Agenda.
Another important advance, in the continuous business expansion scenario,
was the creation of Board of Directors meetings with the leaders of our various
operating plants. In these events, in addition to the in-depth knowledge of each
business reality, they can learn about projects and events linked to sustainable
development, such as products with green technologies, renewable energies, and
innovative production processes.
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